GeoPython 2021

Vinícius Cruvinel Rêgo

Vinícius Cruvinel Rêgo is Civil Engineer, M.Sc. in Geographic Information Systems and Science, MBA in Project Management, MBA in Fullstack Development and Specialization in Distance Education.

Has a multidisciplinary background with main emphasis in project and program management, planning and control, GIS systems development and technical leadership.

Work as a Planning & Control Specialist and Solution Developer in the Management of the Environmental Sanitation Program at CAESB, financed with IDB resources and management carried out by COBRAPE. He is also Titular Professor of the Civil Engineering Course at UNIPLAN teaching subjects from urban mobility and technology.

As a Consultant and Developer he works in projects from many areas like Agriculture, Transport, Water Resources, among others, mainly in the architecture and development of platforms and applications that use Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Regarding the academic part, he is currently a regular student in the PhD course in Development, Society and Territories at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), located in Vila Real, Portugal, conducting researches about urban mobility with focus in micromobility.

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Company Name – COBRAPE


Bins! An easy path to make them using Fast API, PostGIS and JavaScript

In order to manage and analyze geospatial data, more frequently are being used the Binning Process to achieve consistent results. In a more generic way, Binning is the process to group (cluster) points data into defined geometric features like squares or hexagons.

For example, the process that uses hexagon polygons is defined as "Hexagon Binning". Nowadays, this process became more used as provides a quick and efficient way to summarize (clustering) points data, giving a better overview principal when the amount of points are high.