
Automated and reproducible object creation from swisstopo 3D geo data for a VR app with Python and FME
2019-06-26, 10:45–11:00, Room 1

An automated and reproducible workflow, supported by Python and FME, converts elements from the Topographic Landscape Model swissTLM3D into 3D objects. They are the main components for the virtual reality application swisstopo VR.

In a classical geographical information system, geometries are stored as points, lines and areas in combination with attributes. To bring the data from Switzerland's Topographic Landscape Model swissTLM3D to objects for a virtual environment is a big issue. A well-defined representation model and an automated workflow helps.

For each topic (terrain, building, street, railway, river, vegetation, etc.) the data transformation and translation software FME converted the initial geometry with the help of their attributes. The results are 3D objects in a virtual-reality-compatible data format. To increase efficiency and for reproducibility Python takes over the organisation of the data preparation, generalisation and conversion.

The produced 3D objects are the main components for the virtual reality application swisstopo VR. It shows eight selected scenes in combination with an image taken by a 360° panorama camera.