Aragats holds a Diploma degree in ICT from St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. Since 2011 he worked as a software engineer at several IT companies, such as Speech Technology Center and T-Systems, where he worked in areas of Voice Biometric System and Public Transport System.
He started his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Hasso Plattner Institute in 2014. In his Ph.D. research, Aragats addresses challenges of designing methods and frameworks for a GeoSpatioTemporal Analytics Platform. Currently Aragats is Senior Software Engineer at AtFarm / Yara Digital Farming located in Berlin. His areas of expertise and interest include research and industrial experience in software engineering and geospatial data analytics.

Digital Farming: Fertilise Variably Based on Satellite Data
The talk is about Digital Farming. How usage of satellite and geospatial data makes traditional farming as digital. The talk will show how remote sensing data from Sentinel-2 satellite can be used to calculate vegetation indices, detect clouds, track biomass (vegetation) and make recommendations for field fertilization.