GeoPython 2023

Beyond Boredom: A Layered Approach To Automating Borehole Analysis
2023-03-07, 15:30–16:00, Auditorium

You've created a ground-breaking Python script which only you can run. Your colleagues don't know Python and cloud deployment isn't an option, but with a little digging we can still unearth approaches for script automation within a low-tech IT environment.

How can you move beyond python to enable non-technical colleagues to use your tools? Even forward-thinking cloud-native organisations may not have the IT support or capability available to enable every engineer and analyst to start deploying their own web apps.

  • Layer 0: This talk's foundation is the problem of converting geological and ground interpretation data into the AGSi standard schema, a file format designed to move the industry from PDFs and spreadsheets to a linked data format for interconnecting a much wider ecosystem of software. This problem is well solved by Python, but what can you do when non-technical colleagues are emailing you every few hours with an updated data file to convert?

  • Layer 1: Training – the simplest answer to sharing Pythonic superpowers. We'll share some tips & advice, and the pitfalls that await.

  • Layer 2: Streamlit – a Python library for creating web GUIs for simple scripts, providing a much friendlier interface than the command-line.

  • Layer 3: Automation with GitHub Actions – scales to thousands of users without the need for either training or IT support.

  • Layer 4: Event-Driven Workflow Automation – users simply have to drop a file into a shared directory and wait.

Presentation (File) geopython-2023/question_uploads/GeoPython_2023_-_Beyond_Boredom-_A_Layered_Approach_To_A_bVwFEtV.pdf