GeoPython 2020

Teaching GeoPython remotely at UNIGIS Girona
2020-09-22, 14:30–14:50, Room 1

At the GIS center of the University of Girona we offer the UNIGIS MSc distance learning GIS programme. In the Geoinformatics specialization Python has a key role and is being taught as the main language for data manipulation and processing. In this talk I’ll focus on the role of Python in our programme and share our experience about teaching it to a variety of student profiles.

The talk will be structured as follows:

The UNIGIS programme
What is the context of the Python course?
A brief overview of UNIGIS: what is it, programme courses, methodology, staff, resources and student profiling.

The Python module
How do they go from nothing to building a QGIS plugin?
In depth description of the module and its resources. Exercises to be submitted by the students, structure of the theoretic content, guided tutorials, resources and software together with some figures, stats and student feedback.

The final project
How do we use Python in a global context?
Description of the final project and how Python is involved, including showing some projects, student feedback and methodology.