Vinícius Cruvinel Rêgo
Bachelor in Civil Engineer (UniCEUB - Brazil), MBA. in Project Management (Ibmec - Brazil) and MSc. in Science and Geographic Information Systems (Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal).
Working as a Civil Engineer at Companhia Brasileira de Projetos e Empreendimentos (COBRAPE) with planning and monitoring with focus in developing reports to monitorize and control the activities from international programs using Python and JavaScript as the main languages.
Also a GIS Developer Analyst and Tech Lead at Zukk Software working mainly with GIS based projects, developing Web Applications.
Titular Professor at Centro Universitário Planalto (UNIPLAN) ministering classes: Topography, Roads and Aiports design, Techniques and Transport Economics to the Civil Engineer course.
What about make it easier? An introduction about building WebMaps with Django and ArcGIS API for Python
For employees, academics or enthusiasts ... Maps are increasingly present in the lives of all of us. So..what about understand more how to create them?
In this quick talk, we’ll see a little bit about creating a Django application and also our first WebMap using ArcGIS API for Python in a clean and nice way.