Vinícius Cruvinel Rêgo
Vinícius Cruvinel Rêgo is a Bachelor in Civil Engineer (UniCEUB - Brazil), MBA. in Project Management (Ibmec - Brazil) and MSc. in Science and Geographic Information Systems (Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal). Owner of GeoEng (Consulting in GIS and Engineer) and also work at Companhia Brasileira de Projetos e Empreendimentos (COBRAPE) as a Civil Engineer, working in database management, with focus in reports development for monitoring and control the activities from international programs (IDB) using SQL and Python.
He is also a Titular Professor at Centro Universitário Planalto (UNIPLAN) ministering the following disciplines: Topography, Roads and Aiports design, Hydraulics and Hidrology.
Also worked in The Workd Bank Group as a Assistent (GIS/Civil Engineer) producing thematic maps for projects in the water resources, agriculture, drought and transport infrastructure.
In 2017-2018 he ministered courses and speechs about Geoprocessing Information Systems and the application of the techonology in specific areas like urban planning, python or general topics about the area. Also has has already did many courses about Python programming and GIS.
More professional info can be found at his LinkedIn
Geoprocessing for Agricultural Analysis using Python: Case study of the Baixio do Irecê Irrigation Perimeter
Agriculture is established as an engine of the Brazilian economy, thus constantly requiring updates on the decision-making tools. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly established as a primary support for analysis in the field, both because of the high potential in data representation and in the implementation of new solutions. This short talk aims to show how to simple apply the Python Programming Language, commonly used among GIS developers, to analyze agricultural variables among ordinary users, who need a logical sequence for a fast spatial representation of data.
In addition to a brief overview of the current scenario and the importance of agriculture in the context, it will be show the creation of codes and logical sequencing of the steps, a process from the insertion of data to its exit as a thematic map of the variable chosen.
Baixio do Irecê Irrigation Perimeter in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were used as a study case. This perimeter is designated to agricultural exploration and has great visibility for the rulers. It is also initiated a reflection of the wide range of possibilities that can be introduced through the implementation of new tools through Python as well as improvements that can be do in the codes and processes.