Reimar Bauer
I am a programmer from Jülich, Germany. That‘s a small town between Aachen and Cologne.
I work at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. Employees research in the fields of energy and the environment, information and brain research with the aim of providing society with options for action facilitating sustainable development.
My work is related to atmospheric science.
I have been a fellow of the Python Software Foundation since 2013.
A more detailed interview at

The Mission Support System
Examining the atmosphere by research aircraft is a costly and highly collaborative effort involving a large community of scientists, their one-of-a-kind measurement instruments and a very limited amount of available flight-hours.
The Mission Support System MSS enables the planning of optimal flight paths by visualising the results of model simulations in combination with the chosen flight path and allowing for a simple iterative and collaborative improvement process, enabling the best measurement flights possible.