GeoPython 2023

UNIGIS Girona, an MSc for geospatial data scientists
2023-03-06, 14:00–14:30, 01.S.21 (1st floor)

New trends in the geospatial sector have motivated a restructuring of the UNIGIS Girona MSc GIS programme, and since 2020 we’ve been working hard on the design of new contents and subjects.
In this talk we’ll show how new trends in the geospatial sector have motivated the redesign of our programme as well as Python’s role in this new approach.

SIGTE, the GIS and remote sensing Service of the University of Girona ( is organizing the UNIGIS Girona MSc GIS distance learning programme.  

New trends in the geospatial sector have motivated a restructuring of the programme, and since 2020 when we presented the ‘Geoinformatics specialization’ in the GeoPython conference, we’ve been working hard on the design of new contents and subjects.  

The renovated programme will have a single itinerary, created to offer students the necessary competences to develop a career as geospatial data scientists.  

In this new approach, programming skills will play an important role. And Python will be clearly taught as the main language for data manipulation and processing.  

In this talk, we’ll focus on two subjects where Python will be fundamental: ‘GIS programming ’ and ‘Analysis and visualization of data for Earth Observation’.  

The first one is designed to introduce students to the use of Python for geospatial analysis, working with libraries as pygdal, fiona, shapely and pyproj, but also to create scrips on QGIS using PyQGIS.  

The second one, related to Earth Observation, has as purpose to work with Python libraries such as sentinelhub to search images on catalogs, but also with other Python libraries like PIL, NumPy, GEE o raster to analyse, visualize and process multispectral images.  

In conclusion, during the talk, we’ll show how new trends in the geospatial sector have motivated the redesign of our MSc GIS programme as well as Python’s role in this new approach.