GeoPython 2023

Visualize, analyze and compare geographical datasets with EOmaps.
2023-03-08, 11:00–13:00, 01.S.21 (1st floor)

This workshop will introduce the basics of EOmaps, a package that aims to simplify geographical data-analysis. You will learn how to create basic maps (plotting data, add features etc.) , and how you can directly use the maps as interactive data-analysis widgets.

EOmaps is a python-package built on top of matplotlib/cartopy that aims to speed-up and simplify visualization and analysis of geographical datasets.

During the workshop you will learn how to use EOmaps to achieve the following tasks:

🌍 Create maps from geographical datasets

  • Work with small datasets (some data points) as well as large datasets (millions of data points)
  • Structured (2D raster, GeoTIFF, NetCDF...) or unstructured data (lists of values and coordinates)
  • Customize the map with features
  • Use background-layers from a variety of Open-access WebMap services
  • Add features from NaturalEarth
  • Add Markers / Annotations / Lines / Scalebars / North-Arrows etc.
  • Use inset-maps to highlight specific areas
  • Arrange multiple maps/plots in one figure
  • ...
  • Export images

🌐 Use the maps as interactive data-analysis widgets

  • Compare multiple map-layers
  • Attach custom and pre-defined callbacks to interactively analyze your data
⚙ Prerequisites
  • Basic python knowledge should be sufficient to participate in the workshop.

  • We will use the (free and open-source) Spyder IDE for coding.
    (any other IDE that gives you an interactive IPython console should be fine as well!)

Here is a quick-guide to set-up all you need for the Workshop using the conda package-manager.

  1. install miniconda (only if you don't have a working conda-installation)
  2. open a terminal (on windows use Anaconda Prompt!) (see starting conda for help)
  3. execute the following commands:
    • create a new environment named eomaps_workshop and install mamba
      conda create -n eomaps_workshop -c conda-forge python=3.9 mamba --yes
    • activate the environment
      conda activate eomaps_workshop
    • install eomaps, spyder and all required dependencies
      mamba install -c conda-forge eomaps spyder matplotlib netcdf4 rioxarray --yes

NOTE: EOmaps and its dependencies (matplotlib, pyqt, pyproj, cartopy, geopandas etc.) require several large open-source libraries (GDAL, PROJ, Qt5 etc.) so the installation might take a few minutes!

Presentation (Link) –