GeoPython 2023

Automated weeding of railway tracks
2023-03-07, 11:15–11:45, 01.S.21 (1st floor)

Automated management of the spraying / weeding of railway tracks and their surroundings by dedicated SNCF locomotives and wagons equipped with specialized geolocated equipment.

This project is part of a broader industrial computing project and focuses on the management of the spraying on SNCF trains for the weeding of railroads. To that end, arx iT has developed a cartographic module that guides the spraying automaton to authorize or prohibit spraying by calculating geometric intersections with NTZs (Non Treatment Zones) in real time based on the position of the train.

From a technical point of view, the cartographic module is composed of 2 parts:

- Developed in python (Fast API).
- TCP communication with the PLC.
- Calculation of geometric intersections with the ZNT (Geopandas library).
- Calculation of the areas treated / sprayed by the train.
- Sending the geometries of the treated areas to the Front via WebSocke

Frontend :
- Display of ZNT in a buffer around the first GPS position of the train.
- Real time display of the areas treated / sprayed by the train.
- A set of tools that allow the operator to stop / continue a spraying session